Thank you for being such a faithful source of encouragement to the ministry of Faith and Work Enterprises. Your prayers and support have carried our work over these six years as the Lord has given us the blessing of serving over 6,000 people.

We are beginning our annual funding campaign Disrupting Poverty and Restoring Hope and inviting you to join the Hearts of Hope team, a generous and caring group of people who will cheer on the people of Sandtown by making an investment that helps each person discover their God-given value and begin to live out their hopes and dreams.

Opening “The Center @ 1500” has moved the ministry of Faith and Work Enterprises into a new season! The news continues to spread and an increasing number of people are accessing our services daily. There are many opportunities to expand ministry in our new program location at 1500 Presstman Street.

Through listening we’ve learned a lot, and revamped our program in a way that increases our capacity to serve more people. Our new individualized case management model is proving to be a good fit for our clients and will accommodate many more people per year than the original cohort and chocolate shop model, which could accommodate only 50 people per year and not fully provide what is needed. Since March, we have engaged over 200 people in case management who are working towards stability, 70 people have progressed to the workforce development process, and 18 people have already secured employment. In every interaction we make deposits of God’s love and grace. It’s all detailed in this brochure [DOWNLOAD HERE].

We are launching a year-end funding campaign and looking to our faithful partners to help us meet the goal of engaging 200 donors who will commit to 12 Gifts in 12 Months to support the life-giving work of helping people move from discouragement to hope. Truly, any amount will help us move toward our goal of $60,000.

We’re asking you to  prayerfully consider two things:

  1. Visit the Disrupting Poverty and Restoring Hope campaign page and consider financially support of the ministry in Sandtown.
  2. Consider how you might help us share the story by sharing this campaign in your congregation and personal circles?  There will be regular communications that build toward Giving Tuesday on November 28 and through mid January.
  • Would you share this campaign and posts through your social media?
  • Would you invite individuals in your personal network to learn about the compassionate work that is happening in Sandtown? (You can even create your own fundraising page easily through the Give Lively platform that links to the main campaign.)
We are extremely grateful for your interest and support of Faith and Work Enterprises’ mission in Sandtown and any way you can help spread the word is most appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your prayerful consideration.

Serving with you in God’s mission,
LeChelle Redd and Tina