Community Investment

In our last email update we asked for patience and prayers on the part of our supporters as we, having now purchased a building, needed time to focus on relationships over programming or “getting the building opened up”.

What a blessed time this has been!

Our relationships with community members have deepened significantly and through our listening we have been able to reshape some of our key planned programming – so much so that some community members are actually sharing with each other what will take place in the building when it is finally opened.

In addition, many community members have moved from a curiosity about the building to actually wanting to participate in its renovation.

We might call this the beginnings of community investment.
And it is for this community investment that we have been working and praying.

Our goal has and continues to be to walk together.

In the next several weeks we will begin sharing more details regarding the planned use of space in our new building, including specific areas of focus on each of its three levels.

At the same time, we will also share with you news on the many, needed repairs and renovations as they take place, with some occasional pictures, of course!

But most of all we will continue to seek your support and prayers for this “community project,” in which many partners (including you!) have been blessed to be included in the “walking together.”